Here's a list of sites where you can invest your hard-earned cash in books and magazines in which my work appears, or will appear! Make sure to buy a copy for yourself, and for everyone you've ever met!� All of these sources provide great reading for fans of horror, monster, and "B"-movies.
- Midnight Marquee Press. I wrote part of two books for the good folks at Midnight Marquee--the Actors Series: Vincent Price and Actors Series: Peter Lorre volumes. They also publish Mad About Movies, a new magazine which features work by me in its debut issue.
- Monsters From The Vault. Editor Jim Clatterbaugh runs the glossiest horror mag in the business, and I'm a frequent contributor. Classic monster fans who order a back issue, or even a subscription, won't be disappointed.
- Scarlet Street. I'm a semi-regular contributor to this magazine. Their
website features a reprint of my story on the classic thriller The Most
Dangerous Game under the "Articles" section.
- Filmfax - VideoScan reviews by me pop up occasionally here.
- McFarland & Co. Publishers: Will print my book, Smirk, Sneer and Scream: Great Acting in Horror Cinema, sometime in 2001 or '02. In the meantime, they have plenty of other great books of interest to movie fans.
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