This is my penpal and friend Andrea from Denmark who is holding her puppy...I have known her for a couple of years...This picture is from 1999... |
This is a close-up of Andrea's puppy from 1999...Her puppy has competed in several dog shows... |
This is a picture of Kerri from High River, Alberta, Canada, on her award winning horse Abu Dhan in May 00...She's a good friend and helped me through some difficult times...
These are my friends from Montreal, Quebec, Canada, Jimmy and Elyse, fixing a leaky toilet in Elyse's bathroom during my visit to Montreal in Summer 99.... |
This is Elyse's leaky toilet which eventually had to be replaced... |
These are Elyse's friends at the Austrian Ski Club of Monreal at Lake Memphremagog, Quebec, Canada... |
This is an outdoor view of the Austrian Ski Club... |
This is a mountaintop view of Montreal, Quebec, Canada... |
This is another mountaintop view of Montreal, Quebec, Canada... |
This is a picture from Highway 1 between Vancouver, Canada, and the Whistler Ski Area in Jan 00...The weather was rain and snow the whole week I was there... |
This is the location of a mine tour about 20 miles north of Vancouver on Highway 1 between Vancouver and Whistler in Jan 00... |
This is Pemberton CA where I bought a nice sweater in Jan 00...This town is around 40 miles north or Whistler on Highway 1... |
This the Super 8 Motel in Squamish CA about 20 miles outside of Whistler in Jan 00...People were very friendly... |
Whistler Ski Area on the only day I skied in Jan 00...The snow was wet and icy even though there was up to 6" dumped every night...The stuff wasn't groomed and turning kind of sucked... |
This is a back bowl at Whistler in Jan 00 where the snow was the driest and my Atomic skis worked as designed...However, there were blizzard conditions...Cool... |
A photo of me from a restaurant at Whistler on top of the mountain in Jan 00... |
This is from a restaurant in Lillooet CA in Jan 00 where I had some good Italian food...This place is around 60 miles north of Whistler... |
Entering American Indian Reservation just outside of Pemberton CA in Jan 00 on way to Lillooet... |
I bought an interesting t-shirt in Jan 00 at a rather crappy hotel here but the town had some real nice people... |
This is a view of the valley in which Whistler resides...The mountains are around 7000 to 8000 feet high...This was the clearest day I had all week in Jan 00... |
This is downtown Pittsburgh PA, which is also? the hometown of some family members... |