InterNet Access Network ( )
Mon, 17 May 1999 12:57:54 -0400

>Internet Tip of the Day:
>People often wonder if the emails they send across the Internet
>are private. The short answer is yes and no.
>The email system on the Internet works somewhat like having a
>Post Office Box (PO Box) at your local post office. As mail
>arrives for you at the post office, your box is opened and the
>new mail is placed in the box. Your mail will accumulate until
>you stop by the post office and retrieve your email. At any time
>a post office employee could examine the mail that is in your box,
>but because of privacy issues and because they are just too busy,
>they don't.
>Email on the Internet works in a very similar fashion. Each
>customer of your ISP has an electronic email box. As email is
>transmitted to you, your ISP's email server (the computer that
>is in charge of email) automatically receives the messages
>addressed to you and places them in your email box. The messages
>remain there until you retrieve them (check your email). Your ISP
>does have the ability to examine the messages in your email box,
>but because of privacy issues and because they are just too busy,
>they don't.
>Email, just like postal mail, often passes through many
>different locations as it is "sorted" and directed toward its
>destination. It is possible that your email could be intercepted
>along the way.
>In general, your emails are safe and are never seen by anyone other
>than the recipient. However, the possibility does exist for your
>emails to be seen by others. Because of this, you should be careful
>about what information you include in an email. For example, you
>should never include your credit card number in an email, or any
>other information that might harm you if seen by a stranger.
>Web Site of the Day:
>You can visit the Internet Privacy Coalition for more information about
>privacy and the Internet.
>Today's Sponsor:
>Internet Boats allows you to buy and sell boats online. Millions of
>dollars worth of boats are available for you to browse along with
>hundreds of "boats wanted" listings, plus much more.
>(C) 1999 Terragon Media.
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>Internet Tips mailing list, please visit our website.


Dayton, OH