InterNet Access Network ( )
Fri, 23 Apr 1999 08:35:56 -0400

>Free Internet Tip of the Day:
> A few weeks back we discussed a common error that most
>people experience sooner or later while browsing the web. The
>error was the "404 - Object not found" message.
> We mentioned that this error usually occurs when you
>try to access a web page that no longer exists at that address.
>It's very similar to the recorded message you hear when you
>dial a telephone number that is no longer in use.
> One of our readers pointed out that there are some other
>circumstances when this 404 error message might appear.
> Quite often people include website addresses in their
>email messages. We do this in most Free Internet Tips. We
>usually have an address for an interesting site, the sponsor of
>the day, and also the address where you can visit our website.
> Proper English requires that all sentences end with some
>type of punctuation mark. The problem is that if a web address
>is at the end of a sentence the punctuation mark can sometimes
>cause problems.
> Look at the following examples:
>Have you visited
>I like to keep up with the news by visiting
>You won't believe what I saw at!!!
>The problem with the above sentences is that your email program
>may think that the punctuation at the end of each
>sentence is part of the web address. If your email program
>does this, rather than clicking on the web address and seeing
>the web page you wanted, you may see a 404 error.
> Try clicking on the examples above. If you are taken to
>the web pages, your email program is probably advanced
>enough to be aware of these potential problems. If you get a
>404 error or your email program does not open up your web
>browser at all, you will need to open up your web browser and
>type the web address in by hand (remember to ignore the
>punctuation mark).
> The other situation that can cause a 404 error is when a
>very long email address is included in an email. Your email
>program may not be able to fit the entire web address on
>one line, so it splits it into two lines. When the address
>becomes split, your email program may not properly
>interpret the address. You may need to type the address into
>your web browser by hand. Here's an example of a real web
>address that is very long.
>If you click on the above address you will see the error
>message we have been talking about. The web address is a
>real address that works, but because it has been split your
>email program probably didn't know how to properly interpret
>it. In a case like this, you would want to type the address
>into your browser by hand or possibly be creative and cut and
>paste it.
>Today's Sponsor:
>Mountain Stitchery makes the most beautiful handmade quilts
>you're ever likely to see. Visit their online store at:
>(C) 1999 Terragon Media.
>To join, quit, or submit a tip suggestion to the Free
>Internet Tips mailing list, please visit our website.


Dayton, OH