Banff and Calgary 2000

This is a picture of me on my way to Calgary in peon class in May 00...I have been packed like a sardine in a very small seat so the airlines can make an extra dollar to make me uncomfortable... This is my friend Niels from Norway who was crowded with me into peon class...He is fluent in English and was going to see his wife and son in Calgary...He is also a HAM radio operator like my dad...May 00... This is peon class on the airline...I paid $450 American for the flight to Calgary so I could be insulted and jostled by the flight crew...May 00...
I am on Delight in Apr 00...I am on the outskirts of High River, Alberta, Canada...This town is about 25 miles outside of Calgary...I really enjoyed my visit... This is a close up of Abu Dhanin the Apr 00...Quite a horse but rather spirited...He has thrown Kerri several times... This is a picture of me in front of an old reservoir outside of Banff with the mountains in the background...The mountains in this area were around 9,000 feet high...The picture is from Apr 00...
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