7. James WOOGERD (44) was born on 2 Apr 1818 in Maryland. He was buried in Mar 1986 in Kahoka Clark Co. Missouri. He died on 15 Mar 1986 in Kahoka Clark Co. Missouri. He was baptized into the LDS church on 23 Feb 1989 in the Los Angeles California LDS temple. He was endowed on 1 Mar 1990 in the Los Angeles California LDS temple. He was sealed to parents on 2 Mar 1990 in the Los Angeles California LDS temple. NOTE: Information from H.Jay Warren 41047 N. Elm Ave. Zion Illinois 60099
He was married to Susanna MISNER on 25 Mar 1841 in Scipio Twp. Meigs Co. Ohio. (45) NOTE: Sealed to spouse also listed in IGI as 24 Jan 1990 LANGE He was sealed to spouse on 25 Mar 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple. Susanna MISNER(46) was born on 18 May 1818 in Ohio. She died on 11 Sep 1897 in Kahoka Clark Co. Missouri. She was baptized into the LDS church on 3 May 1989 in the Salt Lake City Utah LDS temple. She was endowed on 30 Jun 1989 in the Salt Lake City Utah LDS temple. James WOOGERD and Susanna MISNER had the following children:
37 i. Jane WOOGERD(47) was born on 17 Jan 1842 in Scipio Meigs Co. Ohio. She died on 23 Aug 1895 in Scipio Meigs Co. Ohio. She was baptized into the LDS church on 28 Mar 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple. She was endowed on 20 Apr 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple. She was sealed to parents on 2 May 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple.
38 ii. Anna M. WOOGERD(48) was born on 29 May 1843 in Scipio Meigs Co. Ohio. She died on 25 Oct 1844 in Scipio. Meigs Co. Ohio. She was sealed to parents on 29 Mar 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple. She was endowed CHILD. She was baptized into the LDS church CHILD.
+39 iii. Sarah Matilda WOOGERD.
+40 iv. Margaret Melissa WOOGERD.
+41 v. Mary Louisa WOOGERD.
+42 vi. Zadok WOOGERD.
+43 vii. Pricsena WOOGERD.
44 viii. James WOOGERD(49) was born on 28 Sep 1854 in Kahoka Twp. Clark Co. Missouri. He died on 26 Oct 1855 in Kahoka Twp. Clark Co. Missouri. He was sealed to parents on 30 Mar 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple. He was endowed CHILD. He was baptized into the LDS church CHILD.
+45 ix. George Washington WOOGERD.
46 x. Susan WOOGERD(50) died about 1859 in Kahoka Twp. Clark Co. Missouri. She was born on 24 Jan 1859 in Kahoka Twp. Clark Co. Missouri. She was sealed to parents on 29 Mar 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple. She was endowed CHILD. She was baptized into the LDS church CHILD.
47 xi. Samuel Franklin WOOGERD(51) was born on 25 Mar 1861 in Kahoka Twp. Clark Co. Missouri. He died on 9 Sep 1886. He was baptized into the LDS church on 30 Mar 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple. He was endowed on 3 May 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple. He was sealed to parents on 17 May 1989 in the Jordan River Utah LDS temple.