286. Rodney Dean WOOGERD was born on 5 Mar 1935 in Densmore Norton Co. Kansas.

He was married to Nancy Jo ALDRIDGE on 9 Sep 1956 in Seattle King Co. Washington. He was divorced from Nancy Jo ALDRIDGE. Nancy Jo ALDRIDGE was born on 14 Feb 1936 in Reardon Lincoln Co. Washington. Rodney Dean WOOGERD and Nancy Jo ALDRIDGE had the following children:

child+384 i. Pamela Lorraine WOOGERD.
child+385 ii. Kenneth Douglas WOOGERD.
child+386 iii. Gregory Keith WOOGERD.
child+387 iv. Michael Gary WOOGERD.

He was married to Kathleen STODDARD in Jan 1985 in Yakima Yakima Co. Washington.

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