104. Rachel Jane WOODGEARD (187) was born on 13 Aug 1870 in Illinois.(188) She was buried in May 1946 in Chestnut Grove Cemetery Vinton Co. Ohio. (189) She died on 1 May 1946 in Vinton Co. Ohio. (190) She was baptized into the LDS church on 30 Nov 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. She was endowed on 1 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. She was sealed to parents on 2 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. She has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-M1.

She was married to George Pearly WYNE (son of Leander WYNE and Esther TILTON) on 12 Dec 1886 in Vinton Co. Ohio.(191) She was sealed to spouse on 2 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. George Pearly WYNE was born about 1867 in Ohio. He was buried in Mar 1950 in Chestnut Grove Cemetery Ohio. He died on 23 Mar 1950 in Vinton Co. Ohio. He was endowed SUBMITTED. He was sealed to parents SUBMITTED. He was baptized into the LDS church SUBMITTED. He has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-LT. Rachel Jane WOODGEARD and George Pearly WYNE had the following children:

child176 i. Jake WYNE has Ancestral File number 8Q6L-12.
child177 ii. Vinnie WYNE has Ancestral File number 8Q6L-0V.
child178 iii. Howard WYNE has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-T2.
child179 iv. Harley A. WYNE has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-ZQ.
child180 v. Willard WYNE has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-SV.
child181 vi. George Thomas WYNE(192) was born on 22 Dec 1887 in South Bloomingville Hocking Co. Ohio. He died on 11 Nov 1959 in Vinton Co. Ohio. He was baptized into the LDS church on 30 Nov 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He was endowed on 1 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He was sealed to parents on 2 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-N6.
child182 vii. Verna S. WYNE was born in Dec 1890 in Hocking Co. Ohio. She was endowed SUBMITTED. She was sealed to parents SUBMITTED. She was baptized into the LDS church SUBMITTED. She has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-PC.
child183 viii. Aristus W. WYNE(193) was born on 31 Mar 1894 in Hocking Co. Ohio. He died on 3 Feb 1957 in Prob Hocking Co. Ohio. He was baptized into the LDS church on 30 Nov 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He was endowed on 1 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He was sealed to parents on 2 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-QJ.
child184 ix. Arthur S. WYNE(194) was born on 16 Nov 1895 in Hocking Co. Ohio. He died in May 1976 in Fairfield Co. Ohio. He was endowed SUBMITTED. He was sealed to parents SUBMITTED. He was baptized into the LDS church SUBMITTED. He has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-RP.
child185 x. Charles C. WYNE(195) was born on 28 Sep 1899 in South Bloomingville Hocking Co. Ohio. He died in Jan 1964 in Ohio. He was baptized into the LDS church on 30 Nov 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He was endowed on 1 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He was sealed to parents on 2 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-XK.
child+186 xi. Daniel Manchion WYNE.
child187 xii. James Talmadge WYNE(196) was born about 1906 in Hocking Co. Ohio.(197) He died in 1962 in Hocking Co. Ohio. He was buried in 1962 in Chestnut Grove Cemetery Vinton Co. Ohio. He was baptized into the LDS church on 30 Nov 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He was endowed on 1 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He was sealed to parents on 2 Dec 1989 in the Washington DC LDS temple. He has Ancestral File number 8Q6K-WD.

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