LAY MISSIONARIES:� We only have 25 lay missioners from our half-million Catholics in our Archdiocese.� We need young and older Catholics to learn skills for cross cultural ministry to help mend our global and local communities.� The Mission Office has a wide variety of contacts, materials and helpful discernment advice for potential lay missioners.� An excellent website is from the Catholic Network of Volunteer Service.

CALLED HOME TO THE LORD, Lincoln McGill.� Remember him and his family in your prayers.

THE LADIES SOCIETY will have cabbage rolls for sale today.� The cost is $8.00 per 4 pack.� You can purchase them after each mass.

THE ST. VINCENT DE PAUL TRUCK will be here all day Saturday and Sunday to receive your clean, usable clothing and useable household articles.� All clothing items must be bagged or boxed.

TWINNING MEETING for our twinning parish in Ecuador will be Monday October 21, at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center.

REMINDER: The Orientation on the Decree for Child Protection will be held in the Parish Hall at 10:00 today, October 20.

ADULT SCRIPTURE STUDY meets on Thursday evenings, in the Parish Center beginning at 7:30 p.m.

PARENT TEACHER HANDBOOK, YEAR�S SCHEDULE, AND TEACHER ROSTER were sent home with your child.� If you did not receive this information please stop by the Religious Education Office and pick one up.

THANK YOU TO DEBBIE DEPPE who volunteered to co-chair the St. Nicholas Breakfast on December 7.� Additional helpers are needed.� Please sign up on the bulletin board in the Parish Center.


�October 26-27

5:30 p.m. Sat.

7:30 a.m. Sun

9:00 a.m. Sun.

11:30 a.m. Sun.


Katelyn Thomas

Aileen Duckett

Matthew Steed

John Noble

Joel Noble

Allison Noble

Nick Williams

Charlotte Williams

Eucharistic Ministers

Mark Cable

Pat Monnin

Norm Pfeifer

Susan Marine

Dan Brownfield

Connie Fields

Karen Adams

Tom Adams

Gary Mathes

Ed Koslow

Michelle Clevenger

Martha Ilg


Ken Fish

Paul Puffenberger

Zita Hartman

Joe Couture

ALL LECTORS AND ANYONE INTERESTED IN BEING A LECTOR will meet Tuesday, October 29 at 7:30 p.m. in the Parish Center.� This monthly meeting is to help us renew our love for our ministry and add to our knowledge and skills.� All lectors are expected to attend.� For information call Anne Langsdale or .

CLAPPING DURING SONGS AT MASS:� Clapping when praising God is not new.� In the ancient Psalm 47, we are told �All you people clap your hands, shout to God with joyful cries.�� When we give praise and thanks to God, we should be exuberant.� When we are happy about something it is normal to clap our hands.� The youth clapped loud and long for Pope John Paul in Toronto.� What is wrong with clapping for God?

ARE YOU IN CONTACT WITH AN INACTIVE CATHOLIC?� Would you like to help them get answers to their questions and the support of knowing they are not alone in their search?� We have post cards available which you can give or mail to them that invite them to a Catholic site for seekers, which is part of the St. Anthony Messenger Press.

DIALOGUE TRAINING DAY sponsored by the Archdiocese Ecumenical and Interfaith Office, will take place on Saturday, November 9 from 1-9:30 p.m.� The place is yet to be determined.� The schedule includes: Dialogue Process and Spirituality, Listening and Healing, Introduction to Christian-Muslim Dialogue, Dinner, �Islam and Human Rights�.�� Pre-registration is required and a fee of $20.� Call the Ecumenical Office, for more details.

OUR GIFT IN RESPONSE TO GOD�S GIFT:� Collection last weekend $4,066 (86 envelopes); 10 children�s envelopes, $46.23.� Right to Life Collection $642.� Thank you!!!

YOU HAVE LESS THAN A MONTH TO FINISH THOSE CRAFTS: All kinds of creations are needed to make the Holiday Bazaar on November 16 a success. �Along with crafts there will be a White Elephant sale, St. Mary Church replicas and wood carvings from Bethlehem.� Don�t forget the hot lunch to add to your shopping pleasure.� Help the Ladies Society in their mission of helping others in so many ways inside and outside the parish.


HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH NIGHT: October 20 from 7-8:30 p.m.� Never been before?� This is a perfect time to start attending!� We hope to see you there!� Friends are always welcome.

CALLING ALL HIGH SCHOOL YOUTH: Fr. Joe has given us the go ahead to give the Youth Room a new look!� If you are interested in helping with the design and painting please call Katie Monnin at or Lisa at .

HIGH SCHOOL WINTER RETREAT WILL BE DECEMBER 14-15.� Join us for an overnight getaway!� The retreat will be filled with fun, laughter and time with God.

HIGH SCHOOL WINTER RETREAT TEAM, there will be a meeting October 23 from 7-9 p.m. in the Youth Room.

JR. HIGH ADVENTURE RETREAT: Are you looking for some excitement?� Why not join us on Sunday, October 27 from 10 a.m.-6 p.m. as we hit the road to make some friends, share a thrill and take a leap of faith. �Permission slips are due back October 20 (this weekend).� Extra forms are available for friends � just ask Lisa or look in the back of church.

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